Unusual times pose unusual challenges. For grown up, the challenges revolve around employment, surviving the hardships and keeping oneself healthy to be employed productively in near future. However, for children, the demands bring many challenges which were previously unheard of. Lets discuss some of them: 1. Social isolation - Being used to meeting friends in school and locality is a thing of past. Lockdown has forced children to interact only with their family members. With no friend to see of hear, children may feel irritated. Lack of balance can cause frustration. What is needed is careful management of their mood, keeping them engaged in a variety of activities and seeing that they are busy yet happy. 2. Academic accountability - Children know that they have all the time in the world. They also know that they can use this time well to study and cover their syllabus before time. But they still won't do that. They may be tempted to move towards distractions for long per...