All days of our lives have a long list of tasks that have to be done. As parents, you also have to do a lot of things for your child's development. Let us compare a few things and see if parents get the work done for children as they would do for daily household chores or their profession.

1. If one parent has to bring vegetable from market, the vegetable will come home before dinner so that they can be cooked. On the other hand, if a certain amount of time was to be given for the child's academic supervision, it may so happen that the time was not given. If dinner was important that day then 2 - 3 hours of academic work was also important. Why one was favored over another? This is the question that demands an answer from parents. Equal time has to be given, painfully, everyday. There is no shortcut.

2. The child may be in  class B town / city in India. There may not be enough friends who are working on developing their personality and communication skills. Have you taken out the time to make the child understand this, build a group and then help the child speak and express himself / herself better in both the languages? Have you set up meetings with like minded parents to help the child? Have you looked for some support system?

If not, what are you waiting for ?

3. Your career as a professional is made but your child's need to be build. If you go and work in an organization, it helps the organizational goals. What about your child's goals? Are you spending an equal amount of time on that. If not, why? You need to understand the time it will take to give exposure to the child, plan and work on that, even if you have a good support system.

These questions are hard hitting, they are tough. But if you understand them you will take those steps, those initiatives that will build a child's life in totality. Good Luck.

Stay tuned and stay connected


Gaurav Bhandari


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